Mission of the Journal
The Journal of Public Health in Developing Countries (JPHDC) is a non-profit, peer-reviewed, open access, international, scientific journal that publishes articles in all areas of public health.
JPHDC's mission is to:
- Facilitate the global dissemination of high-quality public health research;
- Promote international dialogue and collaboration on health issues; and
- Expand the understanding of public health especially in the developing countries.
To achieve our mission, we particularly encourage and welcome authors from the developing world to contribute to this journal.
The journal has a special focus on the social determinants of health, the environmental, behavioural, and occupational correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices and interventions on the community.
Why JPHDC is Different - Principles that embody the philosophy of JPHDC
Immediate and free access
JPHDC makes all published original research immediately accessible through its website without subscription charges or registration barriers. Recent literature shows that articles published in open access journals are more highly cited than those in non-open access journals.
Fast peer-review upholding high standards for published manuscripts
JPHDC follows a rigorous editorial process to ensure highest quality of published research articles. All research in JPHDC is fully peer-reviewed and has a fast turn-around process for referees to view manuscripts and return their reviews. The review process is designed to be a constructive and prompt way to improve and approve submitted manuscripts. All manuscripts, however, must maintain the high standards of JPHDC.
International Editorial Board
Experts in the field of public health from around the globe serve on JPHDC's editorial board. They help with policy and decision-making, and in some cases with choosing referees and reviewing manuscripts.
Author-friendly services
Publishing in JPHDC is simple and efficient. Authors are guided through the submission process step by step, and can interrupt the submission at any time and continue later on where they left off via their login details.
JPHDC encourages active participation
Readers are encouraged to post their comments on published manuscripts online.
Authors keep ownership and copyright
Authors of published research keep ownership and copyright to their work. There is no need to purchase reprints.
No hidden charges
JPHDC does not have page charges, colour figure charges or submission fees.

Call for Theses' Abstracts |
The Journal of Public Health in Developing Countries (JPHDC) welcomes submissions of Master’s and Doctoral theses’ abstracts in the field of public health for online publication. Please submit your thesis abstract through this link: http://www.jphdc.org/index.php/jphdc/thesis Any queries in relation to this should be addressed to: editors@jphdc.org. |
Posted: 2014-07-23 | |
Call for papers: JPHDC is now accepting submissions for publication. |
On behalf of the Editor-in-chief of JPHDC, we wish to communicate to you that we are currently accepting manuscripts in all areas of public health. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting recent developments in their fields. The submitted papers must be written in English, and describe original research not published nor currently under review by other journals. Our goal is to inform authors about their paper(s) within one week of receipt. All submitted papers, if relevant, will go through an external peer-review process. Papers should be submitted electronically through this website. Full instructions for authors are located on the Journal web page. Please note that the article processing charge is not applicable for any manuscript submitted by 31 December 2017. |
Posted: 2014-07-15 | |
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